privacy policy

Links on this page contain advertisements.

This privacy policy applies to various services (information provision by this site, reception of various inquiries, etc.) of Japanese Anime Quotes( (hereinafter referred to as “this site”). This indicates the policy that this site complies with when handling personal information or similar information of visitors to this site (hereinafter referred to as “visitors”).

Basic policy

This site recognizes the importance of personal information and believes that it is a social responsibility to protect personal information. go to Information collected on this site will be handled appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

Scope of application

This privacy policy applies only to this site.

Acquisition and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The personal information of visitors acquired on this site, the purpose of use, the storage period, etc. are as follows.

We collect personal information when you leave a comment

This site collects the following personal information when visitors leave comments on this site.

  • Your name (HN) as it appears in the comment form
  • Email address displayed in the comment form
  • Comment content displayed in the comment form
  • IP address
  • browser user agent string

The browser user agent string is a representation of “which browser has reached this site”. It is possible to distinguish whether “arrived from Firefox” or “arrived from Google Chrome”.

This will automatically display your “name” and “email address” the next time you leave a comment, saving you the trouble of re-entering them.

An anonymized (also known as a “hash”) string created from your email address may be provided to our Gravatar service to verify if the visitor is using her. You can read his privacy policy for the service here.

Purpose of use

To help with vandalism and spam detection, and for the convenience of our visitors. In addition, we may introduce “There was such a comment from a visitor” on this site.

If your comment is approved by the site’s administrator, your profile picture will be made public with your comment.

Storage period

For comments left on our site, we store comments and their metadata for three years.

Visitors can choose to save personal information in their browser.

When a visitor leaves a comment on our site, she has the option to save her name, email address and any site information (optional) she has on her browser.

About what this site can do about comments

If a visitor has left a comment on this site, the administrator of this site will export the personal information about the visitor (including all information provided) saved by this site to the visitor as an export file. You can respond to the request “I want to receive”. A confirmation email will be sent to the visitor’s email address.

In addition, we can respond to requests from visitors to “delete” their personal information. This does not include information that we are obligated to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes. A confirmation email will also be sent to the visitor’s email address when deleting.

Acquire the personal information inquired

We have an inquiry form on our site.

We acquire the following personal information entered when a visitor makes an inquiry from the inquiry form.

  • Name (HN) entered in the contact form
  • Email address entered in the inquiry form
  • Inquiries entered in the inquiry form

Purpose of use

To respond to inquiries and to manage visitors. By storing inquiry information from visitors, when the same visitor makes another inquiry, it is possible to respond based on the content of the past inquiry, and to respond more accurately. can.

In addition, we may introduce such inquiries on our website.

Storage period

Personal information entered in the inquiry form will be saved for 3 years.

Consent to Acquisition of Personal Information

We ask that you read our privacy policy before making inquiries from the inquiry form on this site.

At the time of inquiry, the visitor is deemed to have agreed to this privacy policy.

Acquisition of personal information by cookies

Our site may send cookies to the visitor’s computer.

A cookie is a mechanism that saves the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server as a file on the visitor’s computer when using the website.

Purpose of use

This is to improve the convenience of visitors when browsing this site.

For example, the next time you access the same page, using cookie information, the page operator can change the display for each visitor.

If the visitor’s browser settings allow the sending and receiving of cookies, the website can obtain the cookie key from the visitor’s browser.

To protect privacy, the visitor’s browser only sends cookies sent and received by the website’s server.

Storage period

Cookies for comments left on our site are stored for one year.

Acquisition of Cookie Information by Third Parties

This site may display advertisements distributed by third parties such as Google and Yahoo.

The third party can use the visitor’s cookie information, etc., to deliver appropriate advertisements to the visitor based on information when the visitor has accessed the website or other websites in the past.

Cookie information, etc. obtained by the third party will be handled in accordance with the third party’s privacy policy.

Suspension of use of advertisement distribution such as cookie information to third parties

Visitors access the opt-out (stop providing personal information to third parties) page provided on the website of the third party, and the advertisement delivery of cookie information etc. by the third party You can stop using the

Permission/Rejection of Sending/Receiving Cookie Information

Visitors can select settings related to sending and receiving cookies from “Allow all cookies”, “Reject all cookies”, “Notify users when cookies are received”, etc. The setting method differs depending on the browser. For information on how to set cookies, please refer to the “Help” menu of your browser.

If you choose to reject all cookies, you may be restricted in using various services on the Internet, such as being unable to receive services that require authentication.

Management of personal information

This site thoroughly implements the following regarding the management of information provided by visitors.

Ensuring Accuracy of Information

We will endeavor to ensure that the information provided by visitors is always accurate and up-to-date.

Security control measures

This site implements appropriate security measures to protect personal information in order to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information.

Disposal of personal information

When personal information is no longer needed, it will be promptly discarded.

Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If the visitor wishes to disclose, correct, add, delete or suspend the use of personal information, we will promptly respond after confirming the identity of the visitor.

If you wish to do any of the above, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Provision of personal information to third parties

This site will not provide personal information provided by visitors to third parties without obtaining the consent of the visitors themselves. In addition, if we decide to provide the information to a third party in the future, we will present the information to be provided and the purpose of the provision, and will provide the information to the third party only when consent is obtained from the visitor.

About personal information of minors

If a minor comments on this site or makes an inquiry using the inquiry form, the consent of the person with parental authority must be obtained. It is assumed that there is consent of the person.

Contact information

Please use the inquiry form to contact us regarding this site or the handling of personal information.

This site operator: HERO
Contact: Contact form

About access analysis tools

This site uses Google’s access analysis tool “Google Analytics”.

This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect access information. This access information is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable.

Google Analytics cookies are retained for 26 months. This function can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.

The Google Analytics Terms of Service can be found here. Also, if you would like to know more about “Google’s use of her data when a user uses her Google partner’s sites and apps”, please click here.

Advertisement services distributed by third parties

This site uses advertising services and affiliate programs distributed by the following third parties.

  • Moshimo Affiliate
  • afb
  • value commerce
  • infotop
  • infocart
  • access trade
  • Rakuten affiliate
  • Amazon Associate

Please check the privacy policy of each program for the information acquired and collected by these services.

Google Adsense

Third-party ad distributors such as Google use cookies (such as information when visitors to this site access this site or other sites) in order to display advertisements according to the interests of visitors. You must to do something before you go on.

Visitors can disable advertisements tailored to visitors (hereinafter referred to as “personalized advertisements”) by clicking here. You can also opt out of her third-party vendor’s cookies for personalized advertising by visiting

If you have not disabled the posting of advertisements by third-party distribution, advertisements distributed by third-party distributors and advertising networks may be displayed on the site.

Details of third-party ad distributors approved by Google for distributing ads can be found here.

Changes to privacy policy

This site will comply with Japanese laws and regulations that apply to personal information, and will review and improve the content of this privacy policy as appropriate. The latest amended Privacy Policy will always be disclosed on this page.

2023/11/11 revision